tips of Tallytips of Tally –
1.) Simple and rapid installation
Tally. ERP 9 has a simple, menu-driven installation procedure. Further, the user can install the program files on any drive if the hard disk has partitions. The user can also specify the name and directory location of the program files. Tally.ERP 9 moreover uses minimum hard disk space in the local drive. Its installation on the local disk also takes just a few seconds.
2.) Unlimited multi-user support
A multi-user version of Tally.ERP 9 can be installed on a network, having any number of computers with different operating systems such as Win 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, and Linux.
3.) Internal backup/ restore – tips of Tallytips of Tally
Tally. ERP 9 also has an in-built, user-friendly ‘backup and restore option. It moreover helps the user to take a backup of one or more companies or all companies, in a single directory, on the local hard disk, or in any external media.
4.) Data reliability – tips of Tallytips of Tally
Tally. ERP 9 also offers reliable data. It further uses a Flexi-field, Flexi-length, self-indexed, weighted file structure for an extremely compact and fast database. Tally.ERP 9 is robust and even if there is a power failure or the computer is incorrectly shut down, data is not lost. Tally.ERP 9 also uses signaling quality data integrity checks, at regular levels, to ensure the complete reliability of data.
5.) User-defined security levels
Tally. ERP 9 further offers high levels of security. Users can also define multiple levels of security according to their requirements. Every authorized user in the company can have an individual password, with the right to use specific features only. The user with the administrator-level password will have full access and can set controls for other users.
6.) Data security
Tally. ERP 9’s data integrity checks ensure that there are no external changes to the data. Tally. ERP 9 also uses a binary encoding format of storage to prevent devious grouping of information.
7.) Tally audit – tips of Tallytips of Tally
The Tally. ERP 9 audit feature provides the user with administrator rights and the capability to check the entries made by the authorized users and alter these entries, if necessary. Once the entries are audited, Tally. ERP 9 displays the altered entries, if any, along with the name of the user, who has altered the entry, and the date and time of the alteration.
8.) Tally Vault
Tally. ERP 9 offers a data encryption option called Tally Vault. Without the valid Tally Vault password, the data cannot be access. Tally. ERP 9 follows the DES (Data Encryption Standard) encryption method to safeguard the data.
9.) Removal of data into a separate company
Tally. ERP 9 allows users to maintain a company for any number of financial years. Once the books of accounts have been completed for the earlier financial years, the user can split the company data into multiple companies as per the financial periods required. Tally. ERP 9 also has a feature to split company data. The user can specify the date from which the company has to be split and Tally. ERP 9 will split the company to form two companies as per the periods specified. Once the data has been split, the closing balance of the first period (first company) becomes the opening balance for the next period (second company).
10.) Multi-directory for company management
The user can create multiple directories to store data. The data stored in these directories can be access directly in Tally. ERP 9, by specifying the path.