Most Useful Functions In Excel We all know the importance of Microsoft Excel as it is the most powerful tool that helps every professional and business owner to manage data and process them as per the need. I have already shared the first part of 12 Most Useful functions In Excel, and in this blog we will have the 12 most useful functions in Excel – Part 2.
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In the part 1 of the same blog, we checked out 6 most important t functions of Excel. Though there are more than 475 functions in Excel, but let me share 6 most useful functions in excel to start with data analysis.
Let us just check them one by one.
Out of 12 Most Useful Functions In Excel Function 7 – Vlookup
Vlookup function is one of the most important functions in excel. This function is to look up a value in a table and give information from another column relating to that value. Generally, it is used by many to combine data from different lists.
The syntax of the formula would be
=VLOOKUP (lookup value, table array, column index number, range lookup)
=VLOOKUP (D36, A36:C44, 2, FALSE)
Function 8 – IFERROR
Iferror is one function use to display a more meaningful error that is given by excel. It is the function that takes two values to check error and what action should be performed if there is an error.
The syntax of the formula would be
=IFERROR (value, value_if_error)
In the example, if the product is not found, then it should say “try once again”.
=VLOOKUP (D36, A36:C44, 2, FALSE),”Try once again”)

Function 9 – Value
This is one function out of 12 Most Useful functions In Excel that is helpful when data is in the wrong format. This generally happens when we copy the data from one system to another format problem like a number being stored in text format.
The syntax of the formula would be
=VALUE (text)
In this example, the following formula gives the value in its correct format.
=VALUE (D55)

Function 10 – Count
This is one function that will count the number of cells containing numbers. This function is to get the number of entries in a number field that’s in a range or an array of numbers.
The syntax of the formula would be
=count (value1, [value2]…)
In this example, the following formula gives the count of dates.
=count( c16: c25)

Function 11 – Mid
This is one function that is to use to extract text from the middle of a text string. The start_num argument tells Excel what position number to start extracting from (counting from the left), while num_chars tells it how many characters to extract.
The syntax of the formula would be
=mid (text, start_num, num_chars)
In this example, the following formula gives the store number.
=MID (B41, 7,1)

Function 12 – Average
Out of 12 Most Useful Functions in Excel This is one function that is used to give an average of some numeric data.
The syntax of the formula would be
=AVERAGE (number1, [number2],…)
In this example, the following formula gives the store number.
=AVERAGE (C40: C48)

These are a few of the most important and useful functions in Excel.
To learn more functions check out part 1 of this blog.
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